Northwest Johnson County Republicans Endorse Jason Osterhaus for County Commission
The Northwest Johnson County Republicans have endorsed Jason Osterhaus for County Commission in the 4th District. The endorsement was made on Tuesday, June 15 via a vote of the membership of the organization.

Regarding the endorsement, the organization's Chairman, Mike Pirner, said the following:

"Jason Osterhaus is a 2010 conservative -- a candidate not from the establishment, but from the people. The County Commission has slowly drifted to the left on issues of fiscal responsiblity and responsible government, and Jason is willing to step up and take on those who are establishment figures and would do nothing to change the culture of county government. In addition, Jason is campaigning hard, covering the district on foot, working every day to earn the trust of the elecorate. He is our choice for County Commissioner."

Unlike other races in Johnson County, the County Commission races are elected on a nonpartisan basis. On August 3, the top two candidates will advance to face off in the general election.

The Northwest Johnson County Republicans is a grassroots network of conservative Republicans within northwest Johnson County that will help elect and support candidates who will uphold the Republican principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, low taxes, traditional values, respect for life, law and order, clean government, personal responsibility, a strong national defense, and patriotism.

The Northwest Johnson County Republicans are not affiliated with the Kansas Republican Party.

Paid for by Northwest Johnson County Republicans PAC; Sheila Wodtke, Treasurer
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